Black Bird and a Pear Tree


By Dr. Lucia Birnbaum

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In black bird and a pear tree, Dr. Lucia Birnbaum invites us to shed old silencing skins to sashay onto lava-transformed and rose-infused dance floors reverberating with riff-gifts of prescient knowing and heart-full, insight-brimming, and transporting poetic prose, the great Strega Nonna–lover and godmother to us all–calls us here into concert with her namesakes from so many spirals ago.

Emerging from the dark subterranean sea of simmering chaos, she bears light-filled buried maps of shimmering suppressed wisdom from our African ancestors. With an authenticity that only someone who has risked both career and cash flow can fully embody, Lucia’s visionary recovery of the seed-carrying legacy of caring, sharing, and healing–toward regeneration of life-sustaining and celebratory culture–offers both inspiration and practical guidance at this most auspicious and perilous time on the planet: to embrace Other as kin is to nurture and cherish the diversity that is portal and pathway to the flourishing of all sentient beings. To read these stories is to be expanded into vistas of new possibilities by a heart broken wide open to the deep generativity of love.

By Dr. Lucia Birnbaum


The personal is political is spiritual is historical is magical is cosmic.  —-Marguerite Rigoglioso, The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece and Virgin Mother Goddesses of Antiquity

Lucia offers us pulsating threads – history, personal story, signifiers in names and locations, and serendipities – as we follow her spiral weaving encompassing a timeline that stretches from the paleolithic to the present.  —-Annette Williams, Chair, Women’s Spirituality Program, California Institute of Integral Studies

With this extraordinary memoir–poetic, profound, political and personal–Lucia’s truth-telling gives us an essential perspective in these uncertain times.  —-Mary Beth Moser, Honoring Darkness: Exploring the Power of Black
Madonnas in Italy

Lucia tells stories in the liminal state of knowing, and the story itself becomes a spiral dance of her/history and reality that is at once an epic saga of Lucia’s family and that of the human species.  —-In Hui Lee

Cara Lucia, you have sought shards of light in our shatterings and you have emerged with pure revelations.  —-Pamela Eakins, Ph.D., Tarot of the Spirit